3 Ocak 2010 Pazar

6. Germany's "Truman Show"

Germany builds its own "Truman Show City": The Big Brother Town

Germnany's version of the Big Brother reality Tv show plans to build a small town for its candidates. There the contestants will remain for decades, live their daily routine, start families and grow old - always under observation, of course.
This new reality concept brings the film “The Truman Show” to mind. In the movie, a man called Truman is unconsciously the subject of a 24 – hour TV programme that shows his every living moment to a wolrdwide audience.

In the Big Brother city, beig built outside Hamburg, the only difference will be that the candidates will be willing participants.
In the city, there will be a forest, a town square complete with shops and a church tower, schools and businesses. Contestants will, it is hoped, live there for years; falling in love, going to school, even getting married.
Producer Rainert Laux said: "We hope couples will get pregnant and family groups will interact with all the usual family frictions."

Mainly unemployed persons are prefered as candidates for the new reality show. Nonworkers will have the opportunity to catch up high school, learn languages or any other type of professional examination for a career and find a job.

Media psychologist Jo Graibel voiced concerns that people who stayed in the fake community for any length of time would find it hard to adjust to the "real world" beyond. She says: “no candidate can judge what it means to live in a world of fiction for many many years. There would be always a danger, to never be able to adapt oneself to the real world.”
Big Brother producer rejects all critcisms: Each candidate knows what awaits him.

Contestants will live in the city for years and it will be as realistic as possible so they have no problems reintegrating into society. But the company was unable to provide details on financing for such an ambitious scheme.

Broadcaster RTL2's idea of the Big Brother town is similar to the world of Truman. Its Big Brother city, built from scratch along the lines of a theme park, will afford fans of the show visits to the community to see the residents just as if they were visiting a zoo.

2 yorum:

  1. This is so scary! Really, I don't even know what to say!

  2. It is against human's nature to keep these people in that town. human beings are not animals which can be kept in cages. Humans need space to freely develop their characters, their minds.
