3 Ocak 2010 Pazar

4. Advertisement's Image of Women 2

Calvin Klein is another worldwide known label who has to deal with a lot of criticisms. Until now two Calvin Klein ads have been forbidden. Just like Dolce & Gabbana Calvin Klein often picks the gender role out as a central theme in its ads. In this example we see that the woman kneels, again the man is portrayed superior. The woman seems to be depended on the man as she is huging him. The man, on the other hand is presented powerful, serious, strong and independent.

As I was looking for ads demonstrating powerful, independent, selfconfident women, I found two interesting advertisements (1. http://www.reklamlar.tv/rtv/sin/one/N/P_P/rv/BHDGR 2. http://www.reklamlar.tv/rtv/sin/one/N/P_P/rv/BHDTD): The ads show a woman jumping over roofs, facing dangerous situations, fighting with variousenemies to reach her boyfriend. The woman is presented as powerful, brave, beautiful, independent, fearless, though, in short just like a man. Looking at her clothes, her knife, her behaviour one recognizes that it is not womanlike. She is not acting like a woman. She fights like a man with a knife. This example shows us clearly that strength, superiority, power is linked with manhood. To show a woman powerful the advertisement industry uses elemnts from the world of manhood.

To sell poducts the advertisement industry does not only use women of course. Colours play a really important role: Beside its eye catching function it also sends out some messages. For instance this absolute vodka advertisement has a very colourful background. Every colour used has a differet meaning. Yellow expresses vitality, warmth, wealth, green represents freshness, youth, blue stands for dreams, calmness, red means activity, love, danger and passion.

1 yorum:

  1. Yes, not to mention it looks as if Kate Moss is about to perform a sexual act, which is surely also part of the message...
